At ROKN ALASHJAR, our commitment to your trees goes beyond just the initial planting. We provide a comprehensive service that encompasses vigilant monitoring during the critical period of the first 1-2 months after transplantation. Our dedicated team keeps a watchful eye on your transplanted trees, assessing factors such as disease presence, soil moisture levels, and overall plant health. This proactive approach allows us to identify and address potential issues early, ensuring that your trees establish themselves successfully in their new environment.
We understand that ongoing care is essential for the continued well-being of your trees. That’s why we offer deep root fertilization services in both spring and fall. These applications not only contribute to the health of the plants but also promote robust growth and vitality. Additionally, our treatments are designed to suppress diseases and curb insect outbreaks, providing a shield of protection that safeguards the long-term health of your trees. With ROKN ALASHJAR’s tailored care, your trees are not just mere fixtures – they are living entities that thrive under our attentive stewardship.
As your trees grow, proper maintenance becomes vital. Our expert team excels in tree structure pruning, a practice that paves the way for optimal growth and reduces future maintenance costs. Pruning is recommended every 1-2 years during the tree’s formative period of 5-7 years. By shaping the tree’s structure, we ensure a healthy, balanced growth pattern that minimizes the need for corrective measures down the road. ROKN ALASHJAR is your partner in nurturing the longevity and beauty of your trees, as we consistently strive to elevate the health and aesthetics of your outdoor spaces.